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Apistogramma nijsseni

Picture of Apistogramma nijsseni, male Picture of Apistogramma nijsseni, female

Apistogramma nijsseni, male (left) Apistogramma nijsseni, female (right)

Photos taken at Wharf Aquatics
© Sean Evans

Common name:Panda dwarf cichlid
Scientific name:Apistogramma nijsseni
Size:Male up to 2" (5cm), female smaller.
Origin:South America (Peru)
Tank setup:Planted tank, with rock or bogwood caves and sand or fine gravel.
Compatibility:A generally fairly peaceful cichlid, but they will become territorial when spawning.
Temperature:24-28oC (75-82oF)
Water chemistry:Soft and acidic, pH 5.5 - 6.8 preferred. Although the fish are more likely to look their best and breed in their preferred water, they will usually adapt to slightly harder alkaline water in the aquarium.
Feeding:Omnivorous: Should take dry foods, but live or frozen foods such as bloodworm, brine shrimp and mosquito larvae will be preferred.
Sexing:Males are larger and have a blue colour sheen and a red-edged tail. Females have a distinctive yellow colouration with black blotches, resulting in the common name of Panda dwarf cichlid.
Breeding:Soft and acidic water of excellent quality required. Can be bred as a pair or a harem with several females holding small territories. Provide caves with a very small entrance. The female normally guards the fry, while the male defends the wider territory. Fry are normally free-swimming in about a week.
Comments: A colourful dwarf cichlid with the male and female providing different but distinctive colouration. Another attractive species, Apistogramma pandurini, looks quite similar.


Malawi Cichlids Tanganyika Cichlids Dwarf Cichlids American Cichlids




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