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Julidochromis marlieri

Picture of Julidochromis marlieri

Photo taken at Wharf Aquatics
© Sean Evans

Common name:Checkered julie
Scientific name:Julidochromis marlieri
Size:Up to 6" (15cm), male smaller.
Origin:Lake Tanganyika, East Africa
Tank setup:Piles of rocks, with sand substrate. Efficient filtration required.
Compatibility:Not for the community tank, keep with similar sized Tanganyikan cichlids, such as Neolamprologus, Altolamprologus and (in tall tanks) shoaling Cyprichromis species.
Temperature:24-27oC (75-81oF)
Water chemistry:Hard and alkaline: pH 7.8-9.0, GH 12-20, KH 14-20 ideally, but at least 6.
Feeding:Micropredator, feed flake, granular foods and frozen or live foods.
Sexing:Males have a noticeable genital papilla, and in this species, it is the female which tends to be larger in an established pair.
Breeding:Cave spawner, use smooth rocks or plant pots for the spawning cave. The eggs and fry are guarded by the parents.
Comments: As with other Julidochromis, this species may spawn regularly producing small numbers of eggs, or less often producing larger clutches. Fry will be tolerated by the parents initially, but may be chased away once they reach an inch or so in length. This is one of the larger Julidochromis species. Parents may be prone to a violent 'divorce' following disturbances, so take care not to disturb the spawning site, or remove fry too quickly.


Malawi Cichlids Tanganyika Cichlids Dwarf Cichlids American Cichlids




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