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Pseudotropheus acei

Picture of Pseudotropheus acei Picture of Pseudotropheus acei

Photos taken at Wharf Aquatics
Photos © Sean Evans

Common name:Yellow-tailed acei
Scientific name:Pseudotropheus acei
Size:4" (10cm)
Origin:Lake Malawi, East Africa
Tank setup:A few rock caves and a sandy substrate. Well pre-soaked bogwood can be included, as long as the water is sufficiently buffered.
Compatibility:A moderately aggressive species, combine with similar Malawi mbuna.
Temperature:23-28oC (73-82oF)
Water chemistry:Hard and alkaline: pH 7.6-8.6 ; GH 7 plus ; KH 10-12 ideally, but at least 5-6.
Feeding:Omnivore: feed flake, granular and frozen foods, include a vegetable component.
Sexing:Males and females have almost identical colouration, adult males will generally have brighter colours.
Breeding:Mouthbrooder, see general article linked below.
Comments: There is another colour variation of this fish, commonly known as the white-tailed acei or Pseudotropheus acei "Ngara".

See also the Malawi mbuna section for more detailed info on keeping and breeding the Malawi mbuna cichlids.


Malawi Cichlids Tanganyika Cichlids Dwarf Cichlids American Cichlids




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