Guide to Aquarium Fish Magazines
The following is a brief guide to magazines available that cover various aspects of the fish and aquarium hobby. They are the ones
based in the areas I am most familiar with (UK and USA), though most of them are available by overseas subscription.
Aquarium Fish
Covering tropical, marine, and ponds.
Published monthly. PO Box 6050, Mission Viejo, CA 92690
Freshwater and Marine Aquarium
Covering tropical and marine.
Published monthly. 144 West Sierra Madre Boulevard, Sierra Madre, California 91024
Note: No longer published after June 2010
Practical Fishkeeping
The UK's best-selling fishkeeping magazine, covering tropical, marine, coldwater and ponds.
Published four-weekly (13 issues per year). Emap Active Ltd, Bretton Court, Bretton, Peterborough PE3 8DZ
Today's Fishkeeper
Covers tropical, marine, ponds & coldwater, reptiles & amphibians. Formerly Aquarist and Pondkeeper.
Published monthly. PS Magazines Ltd, 7 The Rickyard, Clifton Reynes, Olney, Bucks MK46 5LQ
Note: No longer published after August 2005
Tropical Fish
Covering tropical and marine fish. Established 2001.
Published monthly. Freestyle Publications Ltd, Alexander House, Ling Road, Tower Park, Poole, Dorset BH12 4NZ
Tropical Fish Hobbyist
Established for more than half a century, covering mainly tropical and marine, as well as coldwater and ponds.
Published monthly. TFH Publications Inc, 1 TFH Plaza, Neptune City, New Jersey 07753
Tropical World
Written by hobbyists for hobbyists, and catering exclusively for the tropical freshwater hobbyist. Established 2004.
Published bi-monthly. Dukinfield Publications Ltd, P O Box 101, Plymouth. PL7 2XY
Note: No longer published.
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