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Blue Planet Aquarium

Below are images taken from some of the photos that I took on a visit to the Blue Planet Aquarium, Ellesmere Port, UK. The displays are very impressive, and feature a wider range of freshwater tropical fish than many public aquaria.

Hold mouse over thumbnail pic for description, left-click for larger picture.

Tropical Tankbusters
The hugely impressive tankbusters tank contained two red-tailed catfish, pacus, arowanas, tiger shovelnose catfish and the centrepiece (for me!) - an Arapaima gigas (pirarucu).
Tiger shovelnose in the tankbusters tank Red tailed catfish and tiger shovelnose Arapaima gigas
Malawi Display Tank
The large Malawi display tank contained a huge range of the cichlids found in Lake Malawi, East Africa.
Malawi display tank Malawi display tank Malawi display tank
Other Freshwater displays
The Asian Rivers display tank was a large circular tank containing sharks, barbs, and rasboras. Other freshwater diplays included a tank housing several electric eels, and a South American leaf fish.
Asian rivers display tank Electric eel Leaf fish
The brackish display tank contained archer fish, scats, shark catfish and a separate shallow-water area for mudskippers.
Brackish display tank Brackish display tank Mudskippers
Marine Displays
Several marine species were featured in separate rectangular or cylindrical display tanks, a small selection are pictured below.
Regal Tangs Copperband butterflyfish and Emperor angelfish Young Hammerhead Sharks
Amphibians and Reptiles
A display tank featured several axelotl's and there were several tanks containing tropical frogs, including the Golden Dart Frog pictured below - apparently the most poisonous animal in the world.
Axelotl Golden Dart Frog Caiman

Visit the Blue Planet Aquarium website




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