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Recommended Books

This section contains recommendations for books on fish and aquaria that I have been particularly impressed with. I have now added a buying feature, so that you can purchase any of these books online from The links next to the books below will take you directly to the correct page for that book, where you will be able to read customer reviews and more info, before deciding whether you would like to purchase. In Association with
Malawi Cichlids front cover Back to Nature Guide to Malawi Cichlids - Ad Konings
An excellent book by one of the world's leading experts. Contains a large number of excellent photographs, many showing different colour morphs and gender differences.
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Lake Tanganyika Cichlids front cover Lake Tanganyika Cichlids (Barrons)
A superb little book with good species coverage and general information on setting up an aquarium for these cichlids. Great value for money, don't be put off by the small size of the book or the low price tag!
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Aquarium Fish front cover An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Aquarium Fish - Gina Sandford
Very comprehensive coverage of species, including many rarer ones, with photos and useful information in a user-friendly format.
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Natural Aquarium front cover The Natural Aquarium - Satoshi Yoshino and Doshin Kobayashi
A beautifully photographed book with many ideas for aquascaping themed/biotope type tanks.
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S. American Catfish front cover An Interpet Guide to South American Catfish - David Sands
A very useful little book, covering a good selection of South American catfish, with hints on keeping, feeding and breeding these fish. Retails for only about £6 in the UK.
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Healthy Aquarium front cover An Interpet Guide to The Healthy Aquarium - Dr. Neville Carrington
Another useful Interpet guide book, covering the basics of setting up an aquarium and keeping fish healthy, with a section on disease and diagnosis.
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Jurassic Fishes front cover Jurassic Fishes - Haruto Kodera et al
This book will be of interest to anyone who keeps or intends to keep primitive fish such as arowanas, bichirs, elephant noses, gars, etc. Many excellent photographs.
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Freshwater Stingrays front cover Freshwater Stingrays (Barrons)
Another great little book in the Barrons series, packed with info on these fascinating fish and how to keep them successfully in the aquarium - includes aquarium setup, feeding, diseases and much more.
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Jewel of the Rift front cover National Geographic's Lake Tanganyika - Jewel of the Rift (1997)
A highly-rated video on the cichlids of Africa's Lake Tanganyika
Buy this video now!
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